Take the guesswork out of your monthly bill

Want to take the surprise out of your monthly utility bill? Consider signing up for our Budget Payment Plan to make your monthly bill more predictable … even when the weather isn’t. You’ll be able to enjoy the benefit of knowing what to expect when your bill arrives … and being able to plan your family finances with a little more certainty.

  • When you first sign up, we’ll calculate a customized initial budget payment amount based on the bill average of the previous 12 months at your current address.
  • During each 12-month period you are on the plan, your actual usage (based on your monthly meter readings) will be reviewed and compared to your estimate – first at four months and then again at eight months. Any necessary adjustments will be made at the time of those reviews, and you’ll be notified if an adjustment has been made (by a message on the back of your bill).
  • If you used less energy than estimated, you’ll receive a credit at the end of the 12-month period. If you used more energy than estimated, you’ll owe the difference on that month’s bill.

The Budget Payment Plan is available at no additional cost, and you can cancel at any time. While you can sign up whenever you like, we recommend enrolling in lower-energy-usage months such as April, May, September or October.

Visit lge-ku.com/budget to learn how you can make your monthly bill more consistent.

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