Several factors impact estimates on when power will be restored

When you lose power, you have questions: What happened? What’s being done to restore power? How long is it going to take?

Throughout the year in Power Source, our employee experts will answer some of your most frequently asked questions.  This month’s question:

My power is out. Why don’t I have an estimated restoration time (ERT) yet?

“When we estimate restoration times, we look at many different factors to more accurately predict when you can expect your power to be restored. This includes direct feedback from the crews who are working on your equipment and power lines to restore your service.

Sometimes during major storm events or while we’re assessing the cause of a power outage and what will be required to make repairs, we may not be able to provide an estimated restoration time right away. Rest assured, that during an outage, our goal is to restore power to you safely and as quickly as we can. You can always follow our progress and get the most current information on our website and online outage map, as well as through our automated telephone system.”

   — Amanda Chambers, Electric Distribution and Transmission Safety, Distribution Operation

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