Energy efficiency: A positive for the planet and for your pocketbook

October marks the 30th anniversary of National Energy Awareness Month, which was created to focus on the importance of sustainably managing the country’s energy resources. Of course, not only is the wise use of energy good for the planet, it’s also good for your wallet. 

One area where you can make a difference is in the kitchen. As the weather cools you may be cooking and baking a bit more than you did during the summer months. There are several things you can do to conserve energy and save money while spending more time in the kitchen. 

  • Use glass or ceramic dishes in the oven – they heat faster than metal pans. 
  • Use the smallest pan possible for the dish you’re preparing on the stove to use less energy. 
  • Keep the lid on and the oven door closed. Every time you lift or peek, heat escapes. 
  • Keep refrigerator door seals clean. Dirty seals can impact seal quality. 

Looking to replace any kitchen appliances? How about that extra fridge or freezer in the garage? It’s a good idea to look for Energy Star® certified models. They can be twice as efficient as older, less efficient models. Visit for easy one-stop shopping and comparison information

Visit for more energy efficiency ideas.

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