Keep your guard up against the cold while protecting your budget

While warmer spring temperatures may be just around the corner, it’s likely we’ll continue to battle some cold temps a little while longer. To combat the cold, many people turn to the simple solution – turning up the thermostat. While that certainly works, it can bring a totally different set of challenges in the form of higher bills. Here are a few no-cost/low-cost tips for staying warm without turning up the heat.

  • Dress for success: Dress in layers and wear warm clothes around the house. Put on long pants, sweatshirts, socks and slippers – even a scarf and hat.
  • Dodge drafts: Roll up towels or small blankets and place them at the bottom of your entrance doors and your windows to keep the cold air out. Feeling crafty? There are many online resources that offer step-by-step instructions for making your own draft stopper.
  • Let it shine: Open your curtains and blinds on sunny days to take advantage of the sunlight to warm your home. Keep those curtains and blinds closed at night – and on gloomy, cloudy days – to add a layer of insulation that keeps cold air out and makes your home feel warmer.
  • Keep it clear: Check to make sure your furniture, drapes and/or rugs aren’t blocking your heating registers. Be sure to dust or vacuum registers on a regular basis.
  • Raise the humidity level: When you increase the humidity level during the winter, the air inside your home actually feels a little warmer. You don’t have to purchase a humidifier. Aquariums and houseplants can add humidity to a home.

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