Help simplify your life by signing up for our Budget Payment Plan

Having a good idea of how much money you’re spending every month can make life a lot easier. It helps immensely when planning a yearly budget. One way to help simplify your life is to sign up for our Budget Payment Plan. This smooths out the seasonal swings in your energy bill … you’ll know the amount of your bill in advance each month.

Here’s how it works:

  • When you sign up, we calculate your monthly payment amount based on current energy costs combined with your actual usage from the previous 12 months.
  • Your actual usage is compared to the estimate every four months. We will let you know if any adjustment to your monthly payment is needed.
  • At the end of your first 12 months, you’ll receive a credit toward future bills if you used less energy than anticipated. If you used more energy, you’ll owe the difference on that month’s bill.

May is a good time to sign up for the Budget Payment Plan because it’s usually one of the lower-energy-usage months, but you can sign up whenever you like.

Visit to learn more and get empowered to take more control over your monthly spending.

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